The first is a headband. The idea is from a blog called Smile and Wave. Here is my finished product!
It fits Elle with using only six inches of elastic, so the next one that I make for myself, I will use about 7 inches. Trial and error right?! The elastic I used was by Stretchrite, it was really easy to use. You can get it here

The next project I worked on were clips for Elle's pacifier. I love how easy it is to clip the pacifier on and I don't have to worry about it falling on the floor every time she smiles or laughs! I decided I wanted to use a suspender clip, because it seems to be the strongest. I used the Dritz brand and I love it. You can get them really cheap here
($1.16). I bought them at JoAnn's for $2.79.
1 Suspender Clip
About 10 inches of ribbon that is the same width of the suspender clip or smaller
Sticky Velcro
Cut your ribbon to 10 inches.
Then fold it over so that you create a finished edge. Once you finish the edge take your square of velcro and place it over the seam (on the back of your ribbon).
Then place the other side of the velcro about an inch down from the other one.
Now finish off the other edge exactly the same way minus the velcro. Once you have the other side finished, take your ribbon and and string it onto the suspender clip. Make sure you have the back of the suspender clip on facing up!
Then sew above the seam that has the suspender clip by it. On my sewing machine, I went forward and backward to lock the stitch in.
Clip the stray thread and there you have it a new adorable pacifier clip!
I love that I can create clips that match certain outfits and create them for boys or girls!
I will post another project tomorrow!
Make sure to look for my Manic Monday Recipe tonight!
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